
Challenge yourself – Challenge a friend – Host an event – Do something crazy – Raise Awareness.
We want to hear about your fundraising ideas.

Fundraise To Make A Difference!

You can contribute to your favourite projects through fundraising

Are you passionate about coral bleaching or shark conservation? Do you want to save the rhino or help protect Asian elephants? Are you dedicated to helping students access education or learn a skill? Do you want to help build classrooms or work on sustainable resource projects?

With 20 different projects to fundraise for, there is something for everyone no matter where your passion lies.

Not only is fundraising an incredibly effective way of raising money to support our projects, but it’s also huge amounts of fun! By fundraising for The GVI Trust, not only will you be raising valuable funds to support our work, but you will be helping to raise awareness about the issues we are working so hard to resolve.

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Past fundraisers

Inspiring stories

Read inspiring stories from fundraisers just like you!

Rebecca Thornton

Alumni and Fundraiser

After returning from post-earthquake Nepal, Rebecca was motivated to host a curry night for Nepal.  

Rebecca volunteered in Nepal in April 2015 and experienced both of the earthquakes that left Nepal devastated.  “While in Nepal our volunteer team began to distribute aid with money raised online and locally. Seeing the positive effect that the aid had on those affected made us all realise that none of us could just stop helping when we went home. The aid needed to continue for as long as possible.”

So this is what Rebecca did: “As soon as I got home I decided that I wanted to have a ‘curry night’ in aid of the earthquake appeal. I absolutely love the traditional Nepali food and I thought it would interest people to see what food Nepali people cook and eat. We also had a raffle with prizes from local businesses, a licensed bar, speeches and a presentation of photos of our volunteer team’s work. 100 people attended and we ended up raising over £1000!”

Rebecca recommends communicating your idea to as many people as possible, as you never know who will be willing to help. She also says, “just go for it! Remember why you decided to fundraise in the first place and keep motivated. Also – WRITE LISTS!”

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Danielle Ridgeway

Ambassador and Fundraiser

Danielle is passionate about conservation and after spending time as a volunteer in South Africa she decided to raise money for rhino conservation. 

“Recently I volunteered in South Africa as part of a Wildlife research program as an intern at the Karongwe National Park in Limpopo. Karongwe has been hit twice by poachers in the past 12 months, this has led to the loss of two female rhinos and one calf.”

To help raise money for this great cause, she decided to, in the heat of an Australian summer, embark on a challenge to run 100km over the month of February. She quite literally ran for the rhinos! Danielle kicked off her running challenge with a BBQ Bonanza to let her local community know what she was doing. The support that she got was amazing! She raised $800 which has gone to Karongwe to keep our rhinos horny!”

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Owen Doel

Alumni and Fundraiser

After working in Fiji, Owen saw the need for a vocational training centre, so he decided to walk around Wales!

“After spending 2 1/2 years in Fiji, first as a volunteer and then as a field staff member, Owen observed the need for more vocational training for youth. So he decided to challenge himself to walk the circumference of Wales, a distance of 1027 mile, to raise money and awareness for Fiji.

It took him 56 days, averaging 21miles a day, living on dehydrated foods during the wettest August Wales on record to complete the epic walk around Wales. “I learnt a lot about the nature of endurance and how much the mental side matters in something like this. One of the biggest challenges was not going mad! I had to learn to just mentally switch off and keep going when the weather or conditions were against me.  Finally, if you try and do it solo and in a quick time you will find that sometimes you’ll be dependent on the kindness of total strangers to help you out. They never let you down.”

Owen raised an incredible £7,080 for Fiji!

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Laura Butcher

Alumni and Fundraiser

In memory of our first India sports volunteer Laura Butcher climbed Mount Fuji in Japan

“Hearing the devastating news about Cian, reminded me how short life is and how you have to make the most of every single experience, as Cian did on his travels. I wanted to make the most of my experience in Japan by raising money for the charity that Cian supported.

We chose to undertake the night climb to ensure that we arrived at the summit just in time for that infamous sunrise. 7 hours later, a couple of bruised knees, 3 climbing poles down, a head torch broken, uncountable blisters and a fair few navigational disagreements, all in the pitch black, we finally made it. It’s true what they say; watching the sun rise up through the clouds is a sight that will stay forever.

Better than the feeling of reaching the summit, was returning to Tokyo to find out that I had also reached my donations target. I could not wait to share the news with all our friends and family who had offered such amazing support.”

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Download our fundraising manual!

Our jam-packed manual will give you all the tips and tricks to start your fundraising journey.